Saturday 20 June 2015

Down at the bottom of the garden #1

In August, last year, my boyfriend and I bought our first home.

A scruffy little terrace on the outskirts of Sheffield with a tiny cottage garden. This summer, in an attempt to add more vegetables to our diet and make use of our tiny bit of ground we are growing a small selection of vegetables. We started by monitoring which part of our garden received the most sun, then one sunny Saturday in March we dug out our plot and filled it with all the smelly goodness it would need to produce tasty veggies later in the year. After a month or so, under strict instruction from our green fingered friends and family we started to plant seeds. It almost seemed ludicrous to me that edible things would grow from these tiny seeds sitting in egg cartons on my windowsill. It's now June and we are starting to see the fruits (well almost) of our labour...

Lettuce / Ruby Chard / Broccoli

Garden Peas

Sweet Peppers
We also have onions, garlic, a small herb garden and some strawberries but I'll admit they are in desperate need of weeding and thus felt a little camera shy, unlike this guy who posed patiently whilst I snapped my veggies...

I'm stuck at home at the moment as I battle the symptoms of my gluten challenge and feeling quite frustrated. Seeing these little plants grow reminds me how important patience is and it comforts me to think that by the time I'm tugging these beauties out of the ground I will be back on my gluten-free diet and feeling healthy again.

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